• Featured,  Software,  Technology


    Ready for Battle(card) Picture this: two debate competitors from rival high schools in Orlando end up having to work on a math project together. Mortal enemies turn friends, they realize they click and work well together. They decide to be co-founders and work on various start-ups together. No, this is not the plot of a new Netflix Original Movie – this is the story of Mathew Pregasen and his start-up Battlecard. Battlecard is a software tool that helps sales teams improve their playbook documentation process and also practice for sales presentations. It allows users to organize the different aspects of a sales playbook in a clear way, and keeps everything…

  • Featured,  Software,  Technology


    And they were suitemates! What if fortune tellers were a thing? What if we could predict outbreaks or wars and figure out what measures need to be taken to stop them? What if with the snap of our fingers we could see the future? Perhaps not with a snap, but with a couple of clicks – what if I told you this is something that already exists?  Imagine you’re a big finance guy, doing your finance thing, and you get a call from one of your college suitemates saying, “Hey, if I’m somehow able to scrape information from Twitter would that be useful to you at all?” I mean yeah,…